Monday, June 23, 2008

J-1 Student Internship

The USCIS released final regulations regarding J-1 Student Intern visa. This new visa will allow a student, enrolled in post secondary education, to intern with private or Government sector employers for training. This will provide much needed work experience to foreign students. Previously the students could only work on CPT or OPT, and the length of time was highly restrictive. In contract, USC students could enter into any number of internships. Thus US students could have a competitive advantage in graduate studies or the job market.

It is nice to note that ALL students (and not just STEM students) can avail of this situation. The OPT extension,l by contract is ONLY available to STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) students. I still fail to realize how technology cannot include Engineering. Also I am appalled by the cold world era emphasis on Science in this day and age. If one looks at great works of literature, movie, music, it is primarily produced by hyphenated Americans, (like Chinese-American, Indian-Americans, etc.) Scan the Pulitzer or Oscar list. Same is true of any Management Degree holders, whose international experience is greatly necessary for global business. Yet the government only recognizes the need for STEM students. This is so reminiscent of the Cold War. But then, so is the War on Terror.

1 comment:

AngelicaMariel said...

Ms. Banerjee:
You are an inspiration. I am a prospective law student in Louisiana who is very interested in studying immigration law. I intend to study law at Louisiana State University and become an immigration lawyer. As a minority and a woman, I am inspired to know that women, such as yourself, are dedicated to researching and studying immigration issues.

Thank You.

Angelica is the Architect's Sister,

Alessandra Denise